A witch named Stella has journeyed throughout the globe with her friends Otto and Mia, using her magic to aid people. They have arrived at the elf kingdom's boundaries as a result of their journey. Mia persuades Stella and Otto to visit her childhood house because she is excited to show her friends where she was raised. They're about to have a horrible shock, though. The lovely elf realm is vanished. It is in ruins now, having been attacked by a dark army. The young Princess Aravia is now the heir apparent after the royal family was all but decimated, and she doesn't much care for outsiders. Still, Stella and the others promise to help as much as they can, given the suffering of the elves and the disappearance of Mia's family. Their mission was to bring the land back to life and defeat its evil enemy. Assist Stella and her companions in gathering the necessary supplies from the elf kingdom. Match the pieces with your puzzle-solving abilities so Stella may do her magic!
- A complex match-3 level
- A magnificent fantasy story with various nuances
- Follow Stella's travels across five chapters
- Twenty thrilling scenes
- Original fantasy music
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