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Mobile, Tablets, PC and Mac!
5,000 games with No Ads!
Enjoy a 7-Day Free Trial
Sign up for this incredible offer
in just a few simple steps!
  1. Click On ‘Start FREE Trial
  2. Create a Profile
  3. Enter Your Payment Details
  4. Start Playing Instantly!
All you need to know
  • How do I redeem my offer?
    Click on the ‘Start FREE Trial‘, then create a profile and enter your payment details. You will then be able to play any of the 5,000+ titles instantly
  • What’s included with membership?
    • Unlimited Gaming – No Ads or interruptions to your gameplay
    • Over 5,000 Games – Playable on Mobile, Tablet or PC
    • Exclusive Member’s Discount when purchasing PC Downloadable titles
  • What types of games are available?
    • We have many genres including: Hidden Object, Time Management, Match 3, Puzzles and Clutter.
    • Games are available on all platforms PC, Mac, Mobile & Tablet.
    • Games for Mac, Mobile or Tablet have a blue ‘Stream Now’ Logo and can be played instantly on these devices. They can also be played on a Windows PC.
    • All other games can be played or downloaded on a Windows PC.
  • How do I pay?
    • You can pay using several methods – Currently, we accept Apple Pay, Google Pay or Credit Cards.
    • We are sorry, but we cannot accept Prepaid Credit or Debit Cards
Offer limited to one per customer and account,may not be combined with other offers, is non-transferable and may not be resold. All standard IPlay Terms apply. If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid. IPlay All Access is a subscription service which will auto-renew monthly at $14.99 plus applicable taxes unless cancelled prior to the renewal date.