Sinister City

Accompany a young man on his amazing voyage into the enigmatic Sinister City.

John finds himself in the enigmatic Sinister City while on the run from his abducted bride. He discovers that his fiance has been abducted by the dreadful Count Orlock, the most formidable vampire in the area, despite the city being rumoured to be filled with vamps! As you assist John in his search for his missing love, get ready to travel to the astral plane, through the eerie corridors of an old castle, and to many more haunted places. Meet Unknown People Who Will Help You Achieve Your Goal: A quirky but kind hotel clerk, the grandson of famous director Luis Lumiere, or a brave Transylvanian are just a few of the people you may come across along the route. Avert the inevitable and assist John in saving his bride!





- Excellent graphics
- A plethora of thrilling, captivating levels
- Items and clues to be discovered
- Unique and difficult puzzles to complete

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Download Size
120 MB

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