In the aftermath of the chaos in London, a new mystery emerges that disrupts the natural order of the world. India is beset by terrible calamities, with anarchy reigning. Varanasi guide Parvati sends Morgan Johnson, along with Jack Brown and the mystic Tenzin, to uncover the truth. The cataclysms plaguing the world are attributed to the stolen holy treasures of Lord Shiva. Throughout five gripping chapters, they traverse mysterious Tibet and India, unravelling a dire enigma. Delving into ancient mythology and accompanying Parvati through India's tumult and supernatural occurrences, the story takes a profound turn as the world's fate hangs in the balance.
- Enter a mysterious world and solve mysteries
- Play match-3 games and gather materials for the narrative.
- Twenty upgrades enhance character powers and unveil layers.
- Exciting voyage to restore balance and rectify wrongs.
- Discover artifacts, mysteries, and allies.
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