In this enchanting mosaic adventure game, a young American journalist searches for an enigmatic buddy throughout France. Enjoying her fall in France, she hopes to finally see him. She follows hints along the way that lead her to various locations in charming French countryside. She enjoys delectable French cuisine and learns about French style and fashion. Acquire mementos of various kinds and play minigames that teach you how to prepare the Cake of Kings and boil mussels in the Normandy tradition to gain an understanding of French culture. Renaissance rose windows restored. The historically significant coats of arms of the French provinces. Learn about scents and the reasoning behind them. Select your own difficulty level, either with or without a time constraint. Enjoy four chapters of minigames while playing swap and group levels of Mosaic in the autumnal French auburn sun.
- Play 80 thrilling mosaic levels and 16 minigames + 24 bonus levels
- Follow directions to make Normandy-style mussels and the Cake of Kings
- Enjoy a variety of puzzles in each chapter
- Swap and group mosaic levels
- Select one of three difficulty levels
- Gather souvenirs
- Collect French scents
- Gather souvenirs
- Color French coats of arms
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