Flying Islands Chronicles

Defend the inhabitants of flying islands against insane robots.

A normal farmer hoping of a bountiful harvest lives at the very edge of one of the flying islands. However, enormous cogwheels that fell straight onto his yard from the sky interrupted his dreams. The farmer swore that he would investigate the cause of everything that had destroyed his crops. It turned out that the robots, who had been created by the greatest masters in the realm and had long served humanity, had suddenly gone insane and were now determined to destroy everything. It is now up to the farmer and his allies to determine exactly what went wrong and bring peace back to the realm. Explore enchanted islands, rehabilitate damaged structures, and enlist engineers and troops. There are three sorts of enemies, eighteen distinct structures, forty-five levels, and original tasks. Only you can help your loyal friends find what they're looking for and fight the evil Emerald Master.

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