Solitaire: Valentine’s Day – Match 2 Cards

Solitaire: Make Two Card Match.
Valentine's Day: a romantic tale and a card game.

Two card match in solitaire. Valentine's Day is a true love story, not just a card game! For you, 120 exclusive card deals in honor of the most romantic day of the year! When you meet the right person, you are in true love. Teddy bears, long walks under the moon, two hearts becoming one, flirting, and the most tender, romantic emotions. This February 14th, discover all of this and more with our utterly unique card deals! Will you be my Valentine? Ask your sweetie. With the aid of Solitaire Match 2 Cards: Valentine's Day!





- Acquire and utilize various bonuses, perform combos, and get extra rewards!
- Switch up the difficulty level and finish all 120 levels twice!

- We have exclusive prizes and milestones for brave players!

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50 MB

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