Shopping Clutter 20: Christmas Cruise

Help out on the Walker family's Christmas cruise!
in Clutter 20: Christmas Cruise Shopping

The streets are illuminated with brilliant lights during the Christmas season, music fills the air, children's joy is heard everywhere, and even adults start to believe in miracles once more! The finest time of year for incredible trips and adventures is around Christmas! The Walkers had planned a quick trip when Uncle Rat and Auntie Sheep knocked on their door. Confusingly, they handed them an envelope. Sloth Walker hastily opened the letter, revealing five tickets for a Christmas cruise! Uncle claimed it was a modest thank you for everything the Walkers had done this year. The whole family would travel the world in a luxurious liner! At every stop, they would get to disembark and take in the scenery before coming back to enjoy Christmas! What a fantastic gift! And the most important aspect? The fifth ticket is yours! Come on the amazing Christmas cruise with the Walkers and have the time of your life while solving puzzles, seeing the world's cities, and showcasing your skills! Join the journey!





  • Enjoyable NEW items with a Christmas theme!
  • Puzzle fans will find 140 clutter puzzles and 20 bonus puzzles to solve, 20 cities and villages to visit, soothing sounds and musical masterpieces for delightful gaming, beloved characters and hilarious conversation, vibrant graphics, and real puzzle challenges.
  • A festive atmosphere, Christmas tree, gifts, and decorations!
  • Find out amazing details about winter holiday customs from throughout the globe!
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200 MB

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