Halloween Stories: Mahjong

Assist in bringing Prince Jack and Princess Adele back together!

To the joy of the entire nation, Prince Jack and Princess Adele, who were utterly in love, were about to tie the knot. The young couple is ecstatic and everything appears to be going well. But on their wedding day, just as Prince Jack is ready to put the ring on his fiancée's finger, an unexplained disturbance is heard, and a mysterious doorway appears, exposing a terrifying Jack O' Lantern head that quickly whisks Adele away. The prince, broken-hearted, summons the most learned individuals in the realm, but they are unable to help him. Not even the most senior magicians can be of much use. It's up to you now! Aid Jack in getting back to Adele, his sweetheart!





- A distinct Mahjong gaming experience

- Power-ups and bonuses

- A delightful result-Amazing illustrations

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50 MB

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