Gem Legend

The ancient Chaos devours the gods' house, turning everything around it to stone, and no one can stop it.

The ancient Chaos devours the gods' house, turning everything around it to stone, and no one can stop it. The Oracle has predicted the arrival of a savior carrying a relic. You might be the selected one! Use powerful bonuses and boosters to save the gods from Chaos. You and your companion, the Goddess of Wind, will need to traverse a lengthy route and demonstrate your strength in a variety of talents. Complete 120 different levels. If you don't have enough turns, utilize Pan's Feather or a Bundle of Fireworks to defeat Chaos in this difficult encounter. Free the Gods one by one and become a legend!



Features include:


-impressive colorful graphics

-mysterious story and fascinating plot

-120 enjoyable levels-powerful boosters and bonuses

-unique characters

Game details
Release Date
Download Size
85 MB

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