Emergency Crew 2 Global Warming – Collector’s Edition

Save humanity from calamities caused by nature!
The Global Warming Collector's Edition of Emergency Crew 2

In Sunland, hurricanes are roaring! Stephen Shepard leads an Emergency Crew once more to assist individuals in their time of need and investigate the matter. They meet the destroyed sunlit metropolis and the concrete jungle with no grace at all; the hurricane did a great deal of damage. The heroes will persevere through all difficulties in order to save every single life. However, how quickly will they come to understand that Sunland is only the beginning?





- Assist the rescue crew in handling the situation!

- Stunning gameplay suitable for all age groups.

- Over 50 levels with a variety of activities.

- Simple to learn, growing in complexity.

- These days, there are accidents and disasters.

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Download Size
345 MB

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