The Man with the Ivory Cane

Explore Paris in the early 20th century with this captivating story of love, crime, and destiny!

Explore Paris in the early 20th century with this captivating story of love, crime, and destiny! Investigate a case of missing girls and uncover a puppet master who is trying to pull your strings. It's a surprise to many that the City of Love has more than just a picturesque riverfront. It is your responsibility to look closer... and send proof back! Can you handle this task? Put your best puzzle-solving abilities to the test and escape concealed traps. Paris will never be the same if you can't solve the mystery of the Man with the Ivory Cane!




- Take on the role of an artist involved in an odd crime
- Explore Paris and its enigmatic surroundings
- Stop your opponent and find your courage
- Complete hundreds of quests and play minigames
- Find special items and earn achievements

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509 MB

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