Enter a mystical world set in a legendary time! Having devastated the island and scattered its remnants to the four winds, wicked beings from another dimension have left the peaceful inhabitants of a floating island helpless against battle. In order to destroy your adversary, you must defend a powerful sorceress as she plugs the portals that allow them to get past you. You will utilize three magical dragons to battle waves of enemies, build and improve a robust network of towers to give you a tactical advantage and use special attacks to get out of sticky situations in order to take the upper hand in battle. You'll play minigames to obtain the supplies you need, employ the dragons to rebuild the island, and locate more enemy gateways in between battles. Can you defeat this dreadful plague and bring the once-thriving land back to life? The dragons are at your disposal, and you are in charge of the future!
- Rebuild a ruined world
- Employ the dragons' magic
- Use nine towers to defend your land
- Conquer more than 20 different types of monsters
- Get relics and collectibles
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