Nonogram Animal Griddlers

Take pleasure in a variety of animal-shaped logical brainteasers.

A logical puzzle game known as Nonograms, Picross, or Griddlers is Nonogram Animal Griddlers. The numbers on the sides of the grid cells can be used to solve these puzzles. These represent a collection of adjacent filled squares. There is at least one empty square separating the groups. When these puzzles are finished, a picture will appear. Every puzzle in this game forms an image of a different kind of animal. Assume that you are solving puzzles from a puzzle book. It's okay to take your time. Play any puzzle without needing to obtain any unlocks. There's no penalty for mistakes or missed clicks. You can stop playing the game at any time and pick up where you left off, as it automatically saves your changes to the puzzles. Based on the size of the puzzles, the puzzles are rated from 1 to 6 stars and are separated into 6 distinct packs. It is advisable to start with the simpler, smaller puzzles before moving on to the more difficult ones.





- 120 different puzzles.

- Every puzzle will comprise images of various animals.

- Easy listening to classical music.

- A range of puzzle sizes, including 10x10 and 20x20.

- Sudoku puzzles devoid of paper and pencil.

- Teach you to think abstractly and logically.

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39.6 MB

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