Mini Metro

Draw lines through the stations, then launch your trains.

In Mini Metro, you are tasked with creating a subway system for a city that is growing quickly. There are three stations in the beginning of your city; create routes between them so that subway lines can connect them. In order to move through the city as quickly as possible, commuters follow your lines. Your subway network needs to be well-designed to prevent delays because each station can only accommodate a small number of waiting commuters. The city is expanding, more stations are opening, and commuters are arriving at the station at a faster rate. Your network is under constant pressure! To increase efficiency, you'll be reworking your lines all the time. As long as you use your weekly new assets appropriately, they will be of great assistance. Your network will finally go down! The speed at which stations open and people jam the platforms will determine how long the city continues to move.





- Captivating, constructive, frenetic, and relaxed gameplay
- Three distinct game modes to select from
- Eleven actual cities for which to develop your subway system!

- The gameplay is never the same due to random city growth. You create each game's map in the timeless abstract subway style of Harry Beck.

- There are also colourblind and night modes.

Game details
Release Date
Download Size
180 MB

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