Haunted House Mysteries

Beside a haunted house by the sea is a perfect place to spend a holiday.

Expert on superstition and the paranormal in contemporary society is Nancy Evans. Mary Allen, her aunt, has extended an invitation for her to stay in a peaceful cottage by the sea for a few days. She is unaware that there is a big, dilapidated home adjacent to the cottage that gives off a spooky vibe. It is your responsibility as Nancy Evans to look into the weird occurrences emanating from this eerie home. Mary says there are spirits haunting it. In fact, because of her fascination with mysticism, she believes that the shadows that roam the hallways, the creaking noises, and the odd odour that occasionally permeates the place are all otherworldly in nature. Nancy is shocked to learn that the spirits are attempting to speak with her and leaving notes for assistance in this life as she investigates the house. Why are these spirits so restless, and what specifically transpired in this house?




- Remain composed as you investigate a real haunted house in quest of hints regarding ghost appearances.

- Learn about the house's past and the eerie mysteries it conceals.

- Finish paranormal rituals in order to speak with the spirits.

- Complete challenging puzzles to move further with your research.

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