Shopping Clutter 6: Love Is In The Air – On Sale

In Shopping Clutter 6: Love Is In The Air, assist the Walker family in getting ready for Valentine's Day.

The Walkers are a well-known animal family that enjoys traveling, doing mosaic puzzles, and decluttering stores. They are currently getting ready for two holidays: Valentine's Day and their wedding anniversary! The important thing to remember is that the Walker family was formed on Valentine's Day, February 14, when Mr. and Mrs. Walker were wed. There are tons of things to do, like buy Valentine's Day cards and mail them along with decorations and gifts! The game comprises 140 clutter problems where the player needs to find the appropriate objects in the mess. A fantastic, vibrant game for players of all ages, Shopping Clutter 6: Love Is In The Air also grants patient and attentive players access to 20 more levels of various riddles. It is filled with affection, from its joyful graphics to its lovely music and animation. Introducing ALL NEW things for you to play with!





- New ambient sounds, soft music pieces
- Calming sounds for a more comfortable and enjoyable gaming experience
- 140 clutter puzzles and 20 extra puzzles
- Funny dialogue and beloved characters
- Vibrant graphics and genuine challenges for all puzzle enthusiasts

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Release Date
Download Size
170 MB

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