World Mosaics 7

Assist in retrieving the Sand from the Hourglass of Time and neutralize an errant agent!

The Agency of Atlantis has lost possession of the Sand within the Hourglass of Time due to a shadow criminal. As you search for a renegade agent across the globe, solve pictographic puzzles. As you visit the Galapagos Islands, Indonesia, the Amazon, and many other fascinating places, you can mend the fabric of time. Solve an extra 150 Bonus riddles after completing 100 Story Mode riddles. Take on 3 Star tasks to test your abilities. Earn three stars for each puzzle if you can solve it without taking any hints or making even one error. In World Mosaics 7, it's up to you to solve the puzzles and put an end to the renegade agent!





- 100 Story Mode Puzzles
- Soothing gameplay without a time limit
- 150 Bonus Puzzles
- 3 Star puzzles by solving them without error or help!
- More than 20 hours of gaming

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Release Date
Download Size
35 MB

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