Weather Lord: The Successor’s Path

You hold the power of the elements.
Make use of them to seize your realm!

You hold the power of the elements. Make use of them to seize your realm! As Flaywind's heir apparent, you embarked on a quest to take the throne in peace. However, nothing goes as expected. Before long, you're up against a sinister force determined to steal what is rightfully yours. You have to guide a small group of followers across three breathtaking locations in order to locate the scourge's source in order to establish your authority as a monarch. In the intriguing time management epic Weather Lord: The Successor's Path, success is yours if you play cunningly and quickly!





-45 exhilarating levels
-Fight formidable bosses that can test the mettle of the greatest warriors!

-Control the weather and master nature!
-Three breathtaking locations
-Get honors and recognition!

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490 MB

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