In the newest instalment of the cherished Virtual Villagers series, travel back to the renowned and ethereal island of Isola! A family has fled to Isola in search of a new home following a volcanic eruption on the nearby island of Asura. They are met by an odd man as their boat touches down on the shore, and they set out to explore this weird new world. Isola, a stunning and intriguing island, was formerly a paradise with a flourishing civilization, but it is now a wild wilderness. You will experience new, interactive, spectacular moments around every corner as a result of the twists and turns!
- Construct and explore to turn your town into an exciting city simulator! Assist your villagers in discovering love so that your tribe can develop into a civilization! In your game, plant, fertilize, and water to create a lovely garden!
- Rule your own village: With real-time simulation, name customization for your inhabitants, and randomly occurring island events that alter the game, no two tribes will ever be the same!
- Teach the people to master a variety of talents so they can carry out jobs on the island and make it through their newfound existence. Discover the enchanted island by solving brand-new puzzles and learning its enigmatic secrets. To craft uncommon resources and unlock rewards from completed collections, gather and mix resources found around your new virtual home. Breed, heal, and tend to your cherished village kids and families; reconstruct a sustainable town from the ground up; use farming and fishing to open up better food sources; create one-of-a-kind materials for puzzles and collections; and much more!
- Use magical necklaces to empower your villagers, and use magical totems and potions to enhance life expectancy, productivity, and many other aspects of your town! Get homes for two distinct island pets that will aid in removing pests and finding enchanted objects throughout the island. Resurrect beloved villagers using all of their abilities.
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