Vermillion Watch: Fleshbound Collector’s Edition

Can you foil a cunning plan to undermine the Vermillion Watch?
In Fleshbound Watch: Vermillion CE

Discover the next entry in the Vermillion Watch series! Warning - Vermillion Watch: Fleshbound is an intense thriller meant for mature audiences. A Watch buddy has had something valuable taken from them! The master thief's calling card was the only item still present at the scene. It's up to you to follow leads through the perilous streets of London with the assistance of some old acquaintances! Is it possible to foil an attempt to undermine the Vermillion Watch before it's too late? Play this captivating hidden-object puzzle adventure game to find out!




- In the captivating bonus chapter, save a new partner.

- With the useful strategy guide, you'll never get lost.

- Examine areas for shrewdly concealed valuables!
- Put your abilities to the test with difficult tasks.

- Appreciate concept art, movies, desktop backgrounds, and more!

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1005 MB

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