The Gift

Take Sarah Meiville, a paranormal investigator, on a thrilling noir adventure!

Sarah Melville has the ability to view a person's last moments with just a touch. Even though the police used to value her because of her gift, they have avoided her ever since a sad occurrence claimed the lives of innocent people and the bodies began to pile up, forming an odd sign on their foreheads. Soon, rumours of the Nothingman began to circulate through the city's rain-soaked streets, leading a tabloid writer to entice Sarah to come out of retirement in order to put an end to the madman.

Lead Sarah through a classic noir adventure as she looks for clues, solves puzzles, and gains the ability to use new visions that seem to be aiding her. The Gift will take you around a neon-lit village, test your mettle in sly minigames, and surprise you with witty hidden objects. Can you bring the culprit to justice and clear Sarah's name? The Gift is an amazing mashup of a contemporary occult thriller and a melancholic detective film, from the soundtrack to the images to the voice acting. Life and death are at stake!

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600 MB

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