
Prepare for the greatest treasure hunt ever!

Prepare for the greatest treasure hunt ever! Look through the dozens of locations, from run-down farms to back road antique shops to abandoned storage units, to see if you can stumble upon your next great treasure. What do you do once you've found something? Rusted Gold is a shop with shelves to fill, auctions to run, and money to make. Shine it up or sell it as is to see whether you can make money or if you're going to lose money. Bargain with oddball people to establish your image as having the greatest picks around and discover more about what drives them. Seek advice from a professional to prevent being duped! You may learn how to improve your odds and combine goods to raise their value. You can price your picks to sell them in your shop or try your luck at an auction to see if you can make even more money!

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250 MB

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