Kiera Vale is lured back into a web of occult sciences, enigmatic dark beings, and government secrets two weeks after the events of Nightmare Adventures: The Witch's Prison. This web is woven by the organization known as A.R.C.A.N.E. Although Kiera is pleased to get the call, she quickly discovers that things are not at all what she had remembered. Why didn't these agents tell her the complete story, and what are they hiding? What does the Blackwater Witch really stand for? Why is the young daughter of Dr. Thorn imprisoned in a containment cell? In Nightmare Adventures: The Turning Thorn, Ms. Vale will search for answers, solve cryptic puzzles, drive out evil other-dimensional creatures, and maybe even make new friends over a game of Piggy Princess along the way from the top-secret labs deep within A.R.C.A.N.E.'s headquarters to the far-off spires of alien worlds.
- Captivating environment
- Difficult, original puzzles
- A compelling tale.
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