Natural Threat 2

Massive mutant plants are proliferating all over the city!
It's time to come to the rescue!

For Lily and her father, today is a very important day. He's cooked her a gorgeous cake for her birthday celebration. But the day quickly grows gloomy when a malevolent force hidden beneath the streets is let loose! Massive mutant plants appear all across the city, destroying everything in their path and consuming people. You have to go on a daring journey to save Lily and her father as they are missing! Get ready for thrilling minigames, thrilling hidden object scenes, and an engrossing tale of survival and bravery! In Natural Threat 2, it's your chance to save the day!





- 33 site locations

- Ten scenarios with Hidden Objects

- Twelve cut scenes

- Over 200 items available for use

- Two tiers of difficulty

Game details
Release Date
Download Size
670 MB

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