A terrifying tale in the Haunted Legends series from the same studio that brought you the acclaimed Darkk Tales series! You have been dispatched to Bordeaux as a member of His Majesty's Secret Service to look into the killings of eight monks and keep the visiting cardinal safe. As you question suspects and look for hints throughout the town, a story of treachery and retaliation is about to come to life. But take note a peculiar tiny guy will stop at nothing to obtain a powerful item! In this captivating hidden-object puzzle adventure, find out the truth!
- In the extra chapter, become entangled in yet another web of mystery!
- Spend tokens to locate additional collectibles and repair your family estate.
- Accomplish goals and re-play your preferred mini-games and HOPs.
- Take pleasure in original music, videos, artwork, and more.
- Avoid getting lost by using the strategy guide!
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