Enchanted Kingdom: Master of Riddles Collector’s Edition

Can you return magic to your house in time to preserve it?
In Magical Kingdom: The Master of Mysteries CE

The last strong sorcerer sealed the kingdom's magic long ago with cryptic riddles and concealed it within the empire. You have been called to help the Emperor restore magic as a means of preserving your country as a war is about to break out! It will not be an easy task, though. Your grandfather concealed magic for a purpose, and it has the potential to be both beneficial and terrible. Are you able to explore the realm and save your house before it's too late? You'll discover in this captivating Hidden-Object Puzzle journey!





- Locate the pearls and bring back the allure of the kingdom!

- Search for morphing pieces, potions, and hidden shells while you play.

- You may hone your abilities by playing minigames and HOPs in the bonuses.

- You're in for a treat with original wallpapers, music, concept art, films, and more!

- You won't ever get lost if you use the strategy guide!

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1480 MB

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