Dyna Bomb

Put on your jetpack and get ready for mayhem!

64 thrilling levels spread across 8 beautifully drawn realms. With amazing artwork, this arcade classic is a true feast for the senses. And explosions, a plethora of them! Before making a mad sprint for the exit, put the arcade action into overdrive as you dodge obstacles, throw bombs, and seize riches. Are you able to locate the hidden levels? Can you control the environment by using all the different power-ups? In some of the most simple arcade action available on the Android platform, your task is to demolish anything that moves. With daily awards, a wheel of fate for hidden extras, powerups, characters, and so much more, we've significantly improved the experience! Alright, let's get playing! Accelerate the arcade action by dodging obstacles, throwing explosives, and obtaining the treasure before frantically running for the door. Are you able to locate the hidden explosive levels using your war skills? Can you control the war spaces by utilizing every power-up available? In some of the most user-friendly arcade action available for Android, your task is to destroy anything that moves.





- 8 different worlds and a war space;
- beautifully animated shooting and dodging worlds;
- 8 different levels for each battle mission;
- 2 different warrior characters;
- more than 10 power-ups;
- a custom control system;
- explosive sounds and explosive creepers;
- mini wheel of fortune to win extra items

Game details
Release Date
Download Size
32.5 MB

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