Dr. Cares – Family Practice

In the time management game Dr.
Cares - Family Practice, demonstrate your prowess as an animal doctor.

This time, you'll be helping more than just kittens and puppies; in addition to the other wild animals in the Snuggford area, you'll also be helping ponies and even dolphins. With Lisa and Crystal's assistance, Amy and Jack are adjusting to life in Snuggford and managing the veterinary practice together. But when Amy's mother, Alice, who has been alienated from her, reappears out of nowhere, everything is upended! It is totally up to you how this narrative concludes. Not only may you repair animals in this narrative game, but you also get to choose what occurs! Numerous choices need to be made, and each one will affect the plot and its resolution. You cannot select your family, but you can choose your friends, as the expression goes. Families are the foundation of Dr. Cares - Family Practice. It seems like everyone is dealing with family troubles, and you are the only one who can help them resolve them. It has been years since Amy last saw her mother. Amy gets suspicious when Alice shows up out of the blue. But Alice has made Amy an irresistible proposition. A pregnant dolphin of a rare species has been discovered. Alice says she needs Amy's assistance. Has Alice become the person she claims to be? Is Amy able to set aside her resentment of her mother long enough to assist with the birth? Lisa's mother abandoned her when she was a newborn, and she was raised in an orphanage. Lisa has the opportunity to learn who her mother is while assisting Amy in trying to save a pony that is hurt; will she seize it? Jack is behaving erratically. Will he tell Amy his secret? Your choice is made! Would you like a different ending for the story? Replay and select different options!




  • -YOU decide how the tale progresses, with significant decision points that affect how the story finishes!
  • Save horses and dolphins, and help when cute dolphin pups are born!
  • Develop expert veterinary abilities while you conquer thrilling minigames.
  • Handle animal emergencies by going through 30 challenge levels in addition to 60 wild levels.
  • Become a marine biologist in six incredible locales!
  • Heal adorable horses in the orphanage!
  • Adopt and care for animals, and observe how much they come to adore you.
  • Get more diamonds to purchase additional items for your pets.
  • Discover the current state of affairs in Snuggford and help preserve the environment.
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1900 MB

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