Delicious: Emily’s True Love

Enjoy a fantastic new chapter in the incredible series as you follow Emily on her quest for genuine happiness.

Delicious - Emily's True Love is a fantastic new chapter in the incredible series that allows you to follow Emily on her journey to find true bliss. A year after opening her own restaurant, business is booming but Emily's personal life is nonexistent. When she receives a rose, there are hints of promise, but she is too hesitant to take advantage of them. Then one day Emily receives an old love letter from a summer romance that completely upends her world. Will she take any of these actions to help her locate her true love? Follow Emily on this brand-new romantic voyage to find out. Work your way from Emily's Place to Paris, assisting clients and discovering more about the one who escaped. Play brand-new, amazing games, manoeuvre through uncomfortable circumstances, and make amazing new friends everywhere you go. Delicious - Emily's True Love is sure to become your favourite game with its thrilling chores, charming surprises, rewarding awards, and amazing improvements.

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