Dark Romance – Heart of the Beast Collector’s Edition

Locate the Life Rose!

Things have become worse with your father's sickness. Only the famous Rose of Life, which grows only in a kingdom distant from your home, can now heal him. It's not only you who is pursuing it, either. Claudine, a formidable witch, has taken it from a prince and cursed his realm because she is obsessed with its restorative properties. She will do everything it takes to ensure that she is the only one with access to the Rose. Join forces with the prince and cooperate to stop Claudine. The lives of the prince and his subjects, as well as your father's, are in jeopardy.





- Break free from Claudine's terrible curse for Jonathan and his servants.
- Find hidden butterflies, portraits, and magical items.
- Get achievement awards for your outstanding gameplay!

- In the additional chapter, break Princess Narcissi's curse!
- Recall your adventure with music, concept art, wallpapers, and screensavers!

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1200 MB

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