Cursed Island: The Mask of Baragus

Save Casey's dad and expose a malevolent character!

As she flips on the television, Casey discovers through the breaking news that her father has gone missing on a cursed island! Without delay, she gets ready to head to the island in search of her father. After facing several challenges en route, Casey reaches the island only to discover that her father and his entire team have vanished into the unknown. Casey finds out that one of the team members, Stromberg, tried to call upon the spirit Baragus by utilizing an enigmatic antique relic, which could hold clues to solving this riddle. In this amazing adventure that leads to an ancient city full of mysteries and wonders, assist Casey in overcoming challenges and solving mysteries.





- Uncover the mysteries of a cursed island and drive out Baragus' ghost!

-As part of your journey, receive prizes.

-Take in a rich and varied environment.

-Take on challenges from adventure puzzles and mini-games.

-A fascinating voyage is in store for you!

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1000 MB

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