Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove CE

There is an attack on Dire Grove!

A record-breaking cold is gripping Dire Grove, and wild animals are posing a threat everywhere they go! You have been summoned to investigate the cause of the town's problems. However, you soon discover yourself embroiled in a conflict between the forest's enigmatic Mistwalkers and the nearby hunters. Can you stop a full-scale conflict? Choose your gender and attempt to unlock the mystery of Dire Grove's curse by utilizing a creative deduction mechanism!


A unique Collector's Edition of this release that is jam-packed with special extras not included in the regular edition.





- Explore the mysteries of Dire Grove in greater detail in the bonus game!

- An intriguing twist to the alternate ending

- Gather and exhibit Dire Grove landmarksBr />

- Bonus collection riddles that open exclusive screensavers

- A readily accessible Strategy Guide

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2080 MB

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