Christmas Stories: Puss in Boots Collector’s Edition

Would anyone put an end to Christmas?

The magic of Christmas endures...


On Christmas Eve, you take in a homeless kitten, but you have no idea what trouble that helpless animal would cause you. Santa's adorable little toy town appears to have been broken into by thieves, who took the Christmas star!


Why would anyone wish to prevent the arrival of Christmas? Discover this fun family game that's ideal for everyone to play over the holidays. You'll feel like it's Christmas when listening to the joyful soundtrack! You'll also appreciate the variety of the brand-new mini-games and hidden-object puzzles.





- Play the Bonus Game to see how people celebrate Christmas around the world! Can you open the Secret Room and overcome the obstacles faced by each cat?

- Take in the concept art, download wallpapers and screensavers, or listen to the music!

- Throughout the game, gather morphing objects and puzzle pieces.
- Obtain the available Strategy Guide.

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1460 MB

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