Queen’s Quest – Tower of Darkness Platinum Edition

Assist the little princess in developing into a strong, self-assured queen who can defend her realm.

The beginning of this fairy tale is at the conclusion! The portion that says, And they lived happily ever after! is the one you mean? They did, after all, but perhaps not for ever after! Because they quickly discovered that their past transgressions could not support their goals for the future. This was the reason why the prince wedded his lovely princess. There are still demons there, and protecting this family from the evil force will require more than just love and bravery. This young princess will soon have to grow into a strong and resolute queen in order to defend her country and the people she loves the most!





  • A compelling narrative
  • Beautifully rendered places
  • There are more than forty hidden, one-of-a-kind collectibles to discover.
  • Stunning concept art, music, screensavers, and backgrounds
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990 MB

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