Maggie’s Movies – Second Shot

Can Maggie make it through her second attempt at fame?

Since her debut feature, Maggie Welles has advanced significantly. Maggie is feeling upbeat now that Al Lyons is behind her, but then she finds out that her new movie deal entails a lot of unanticipated responsibilities. Maggie is forced to negotiate a turbulent sea of fragile egos, including her own, after agreeing to accept the assistance of a Hollywood has-been. Maggie takes us on a personal quest to define success in her story about the complex relationship between fathers and daughters. Will Maggie ultimately demonstrate that she has what it takes to endure her second chance at fame?





- Six chapters in which the setting is unusual.

- There are three challenge levels in every chapter, offering countless hours of gaming in every setting.

- Playtime of more than ten hours.

- Quick and entertaining mini-games for making movies are incorporated into each setting.

- The flow meter offers endless replay value because there's always a fresh method to boost score bonuses.

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Download Size
180 MB

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