Hermes: Rescue Mission

In your quest to vanquish the lord of the underworld, unleash the power of the gods!

In your quest to vanquish the lord of the underworld, unleash the power of the gods! As humankind's belief in the Greek gods waned, Hades was able to break out from the underworld and wreak havoc. As the god Hermes, you must put on your winged sandals, lead a group of rescuers across a devastated area in search of your adversary, and save as you go the lives of those you come across and their homes. Every turn and bend in the road will have Hades' servants waiting for you. You must rebuild their destroyed altars and offer sacrifices in their honour if you want the assistance of Zeus, Ares, Artemis, and other gods. That's when you'll be able to exploit the special ability that each god bestows upon you to take down three-headed beasts, satyrs, and other foes. Additionally, you'll be given the power to repair a poisoned area and give its inhabitants their lives back. In order to go through each exciting level, you must remove cunningly positioned obstacles and determine the quickest path for gathering and producing the necessary materials. You'll accrue more stars and accomplishments the quicker you succeed! An untimed option is also offered for casual players who want to take in the compelling plot, lively graphics, and addictive gameplay while unwinding. You have access to Zeus's thunderous power. Will you get hold of it and assert your proper position amidst the myths?





- A thrilling tale full of adventures- Exuberant Greek mythology-based setting
- Entertaining yet demanding gameplay
- Tutorial: Learn while you play- An untimed option for novice and younger players

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565 MB

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