Elena’s Journal – Unfinished Expedition

Await romance and excitement! Could you please help Elena?
She needs to discover the City of the Amazons' secret!

Even though the odds are stacked against her, Elena, a young lady in the academic world, refuses to accept having to serve coffee forever. Her father died in an expedition years ago, and since then, she hasn't given anything else any thought. Is anything remaining buried at the location of the initial excavation? What happened there that made someone die? Elena isn't going to stop until she finds out! She is confident of one thing, though, despite the elderly professor's and his (very!) charming assistant's best attempts to talk her out of it: no one would have stolen the documents from her father's expedition if there were no mysteries hidden in the past. Who is trying to hide her history from her? Specifically, what should she not learn? Furthermore, who is the unknown woman observing her from a distance? A journey is in order! There are many things to do in the City of the Amazons.But the real query is: To what extent are you willing to take a chance? Work? Allies? You alone?




- Become an archaeologist; you'll find that their profession is far more mysterious than you could have imagined.

- Play out a tale in which the past and present collide and there are many surprising plot turns.

- Get to know each of the fascinating supporting cast members. Who do you think is trustworthy? Or who deserves your affection?

- Be mesmerized by the serene music and stunning surroundings. From the former University, via the enigmatic antique shop, to the Amazonian City!

- Select from three distinct difficulty levels to customize the level of challenge to your preferences.

- Above all, find out what mysteries lie within the City of the Amazons!

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266 MB

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