Chronoclasm Chronicles

In order to see her sweetheart again, a young woman must unintentionally create a time paradox.

A young woman named Jane's life is completely transformed by a phone call at night. She finds out that her uncle has passed away and that she might inherit his French home. However, Jane was never able to fathom the seriousness of such an inheritance. She discovers a time machine in her uncle's house and dares to use it, which causes a temporal paradox to worsen. Jane is now accountable for the future of the entire human race. She needs to figure out how to avoid the contradiction that will cause generations to be transported to different historical eras and blend the past and present.


The stakes are high: humanity as a whole is on the verge of extinction, but something as potent causes Jane's heart to race and inspires her to defy the disaster's inevitable course. By all means, she needs to visit Alan one more.


You will need to utilize all of your creativity and pay close attention to details in order to solve the time paradox. Explore the ingenious traps of the Mayan civilization, visit Ancient India with its delicate decorations, and aid a valiant musketeer in saving the Queen's honour in 17th-century France.

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207 MB

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