The second instalment of the Big Adventure series, Trip to Europe 2, is a brand-new experience, featuring a unique and engaging item search, along with a variety of fresh and fascinating mini-games. The itinerary has been carefully planned, offering visits to 30 outstanding tourist attractions. The Paleontological Museum in Paris, the Pena Palace in Portugal, Bruges in Belgium, the tram rides in Lisbon, visits to more than three museums, exploration of the finest European natural locations, and much more await you.
All these prominent tourist destinations are included in this hidden object game. Utilizing all your abilities will be necessary to complete all the new mini-games and uncover all hidden objects.
Numerous amazing new locations are waiting to be explored! Seventeen countries and 28 cities in Europe are covered, offering a wide array of cultural experiences. The game boasts a multitude of fun mini-games and over 40 different stories to engage with.
Collector's Edition Features:
- Eight more locations are available, providing opportunities to find even more items and encounter a fun raccoon character.
- Eight new mini-games are included.
- Beautiful desktop wallpapers, a music player, and an album featuring exclusive postage stamps
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