Bear With Me Bundle

Purchase both episodes in this bundle to assist Amber!

Bear With Me is a noir adventure game with serial episodes. Amber is searching for her missing brother with the help of her teddy bear, Ted E. Bear.


Episode 1:
Amber wakes up in the middle of the night, troubled by nightmares, to discover that her brother Flint is missing. Ted E. Bear, a retired cranky old detective, is her go-to teddy bear for assistance. The dynamic team sets out to find clues and question all witnesses and suspects who are unaware of the dangers that have recently begun to affect residents of Paper City. A strange red man has been sighted lighting flames across Paper City while seeking little Miss Amber.


Episode 2:
The quest for Amber’s lost brother leads the couple to a black-and-white metropolis populated by Amber’s other toys, who moonlight as Paper City's hard-nosed underbelly. The enigmatic Red Man, suspected of starting massive flames, remains a ubiquitous threat in Episode 2. Their investigation will bring them into contact with a new set of allies and suspects, including CBG, a former detective who believes surveillance cameras are mounted on seagulls across Paper City. If this is accurate, they have most certainly filmed the Reef King, a crime leader and the owner of Westpaw Casino. He isn’t the only threat that Paper City people are afraid of; Tigren, a local voodoo queen, also has a terrifying reputation.





  • A horror noir adventure game based on a story
  • An original 2D art style and 2D animation
  • Pun-filled dialogues and interrogations.
  • From start to finish, it's sarcastic, dark, and hilarious!
  • Easy tip technique to prevent pixel hunting
  • Original score
Game details
Release Date
Download Size
702 MB

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