New York Mysteries: High Voltage Collectors’ Edition

The enigmatic story of a violent felon encircled by lightning!

1950s, New York City, perhaps. A spate of enigmatic killings has engulfed the city. All that's left of each crime scene is a pile of ash. Reports state that they saw a ball of lightning. Could such a thing be accomplished by a human being? Who is perpetrating the mysterious murders? Are they related to an odd event that happened at the Sing Sing penitentiary during an execution? The White Stone Order assumes control when the police are unable to provide answers to any of these queries. Courageous reporter Laura is called in once more to look into killings that seem unfathomable! Take in the thrilling narrative of a crime and explore hitherto unexplored areas of 1950s New York!





- An additional chapter that serves as a preface to the main narrative.

- Acquire achievements, morphing items, and bonus puzzles.

- Get wallpapers, concept art, soundtracks, and additional content!

- A thorough Strategy Guide is provided.

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890 MB

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